誠信經(jīng)營質(zhì)量保障價格合理服務完善當前位置:首頁 > 產(chǎn)品展示 > 其他電子測試測量設備 > 測試系統(tǒng)
srs SR540-Low jitter optical 系統(tǒng) 主要指標與說明The SR540 chopper will handle all your optical chopping requirements-from simple measurements to dual-beam and intermodulation experiments.
srs SR550-FET input preamplifier 系統(tǒng) 主要指標與說明The SR550 Voltage Preamplifier is designed to work with any SRS lock-in amplifier. Preamplifiers provide gain close to the experimental detector
srs DG645-ultra-low jitter 系統(tǒng) 主要指標與說明The DG645 is a versatile digital delay/pulse generator that provides precisely defined pulses at repetition rates up to 10 MHz.
srs SC10-10 MHz ovenized oscillator 系統(tǒng) 主要指標與說明The SC10 is a high stability ovenized 10 MHz quartz oscillator that combines excellent phase noise,
srs SR620-frequency counter 系統(tǒng) 主要指標與說明The SR620 Time Interval Counter performs virtually all of the time and frequency measurements required in a laboratory or ATE environment.
chroma PM-NFMS 大型光源性能測量系統(tǒng) 主要特色:兩軸均可移動完整±90° 角度的范圍雷射校準工具降低系統(tǒng)設置上的誤差兩種尺寸的測角儀,提供全自動的量測控制與任一ProMetric系列影像式色、亮度計均可相容分析軟體也包含近場至遠場推斷大型光源特性
chroma 29130 液晶模組自動測試系統(tǒng) 主要特色:符合Full HD 量測(29132/29133/29135)計算機平臺之液晶模塊測試系統(tǒng)LVDS / TTL (選購) / TMDS信號提供(29130 LVDS 8bit)顯示畫面分辨率可達WUXGA@60Hz高精度之可編程直流電源外接式直流電源控制(選購)電源保護OVP / OCP / UVP / UCP電壓
chroma 2917 液晶模塊自動測試系統(tǒng) 主要特色:計算機平臺之LCM信號及電源測試系統(tǒng)LVDS 8 Channels 輸出LVDS 點頻率 1 Link 135MHz ; 2 Link 270MHz ; 4 Link 540MHz 8 Link 1.08GHz顯示畫面分辨率可達1920x1080@240Hz, 3840x2160@60HzLVDS